Tuesday, April 16, 2013




A Research paper presented and associated to

In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for the Course

Paper by:

Submitted to:

February 6, 2013

Chapter 1

A. Background of the Study

           Slender is now generally known as an indie-horror game created in late 2011 and released in early 2012 by Mark J. Hadley (Parsec Productions ™). The main schematics of the game play are to locate 8 mysterious paper notes scattered across a dark forest. With only a flash light and not a lot of running power you must locate all 8 notes before the monster known as the ‘Slender man’ captures you. His presence is known when at any time your screen begins to experience slight static jolts.
Slender is portrayed as an abnormally tall skinny tree-like man in a dark grey suit and tie. Other descriptions of him varied over the years and in different countries.
In the game, Slender stalks you (a child or teen assumingly) as you attempt to locate all the notes. He becomes more aggressive each time a note is collected which makes the game incredibly more intense. The atmosphere of the game does not help in your quest as you only have a flash light whose battery life is limited and where in the trees around you provide no bearings to your location. In the end of the game as you have collected all 8 notes, sadly, the slender tricks your mind into think you’ve survived but evidently he pops out behind you and takes you with his tentacles which arouse from behind him.
(Mark J. Hadley - Parsec Productions ™, 2012)

           The Slender game provided a clear fear factor to today’s society who believed in the original Slender myth. Over time, the monster we now know as Slender had evolved in description and in origin. According to The Slender Man, (wikia) The Slender Man (also known in Europe and other Western parts of the country as Him, The Operator, Der Ritter, Der Großmann, Bundle, The Tall Man, The Thin Man, Der Schlanker Mann, Fear Dubh, Schlankwald, Tree Man, Slendy, Slenderman, The Pale One, The White King, Master) is a creature or being with various nebulously defined characteristics and abilities. Slender Man was first mentioned in Something Awful Forum's "Create Paranormal Images". Currently, the two leading theories as to what the Slender man may be are the Tulpa Effect and Quantum Theory.

The Tulpa & Quantum Theory co-relate to each other scientifically; the Tulpa Theory in this case is a thoughtform, or being created from the collective thoughts of separate individuals. Common concept of this was used in research in Tibet during the 1920’s (Evans-Wentz – Tibetan Book of the Dead, 1927) under the category of mysticism. Tulpas are theoretical in nature, although some semi-scientific research and studies were conducted in the area between 1960-1980. The Tulpa Effect is the name given to the unintentional creation of a tulpa based (physical form) on collective belief of a being with similar traits. Its relation to Slender theorizes the belief and creation of Slender. (Kelly Fylnn, 2011) (http://www.examiner.com/article/tulpa-a-physical-reality-or-hallucination)

The Quantum Theory, on the other hand, tackles the scientific side to Slender man’s so called supernatural abilities (such as said teleportation for one point to the next with no clear indication of his presence). In general, the theory states that it is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. (Dr. Max Planck, 1900 – Quantum Theory) This theory in correlations to Slender suggests that electrons and other fundamental particles have what is called a wave function, or ψ or what is called The Copenhagen model, posits that this wave function is a probability distribution of the particle in question, and is collapsed by an external measurement into certainty. Thus, the particle could be anywhere in space-time, but has a greater probability of being located at one position than another. When the wave function is collapsed by an observer or measurement, it is forced to randomly choose a position with respect to the probability of the equation. Thus meaning energy waves (which according to research is all around us) creates a some-what illusionist effect.  (http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/definition/quantum-theory) (Margaret Rouse, 2006)

The internet popularity of Slenderman has spawned a massive amount of interconnected ARGs, collectively known as the Slenderman Mythos. Now ARGs, Tulpa Effect & Quantum Theory all fall on the subconscious minds of individual experiences; this simply means these are experiences we’ve encountered everyday and are used evidently to create a deeper manifestation of fear (in this case, Slender man). (http://www.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/page/Slender+Man) (Victor Surge - Something Awful Forums, 2009)

                Today’s generation of games, including of course ‘Slender’, commonly use the ARGs & Tulpa Effect in providing a hard core story for the player. According to a game review by StarSpots programming “Game ™ “ in 2012, The key to a fine credited game in any category is the evident story put into it. That same year and program, Slender was named top one ranking indie-horror game of the year. Since its first release in 2012, spanning the course of the year the Slender game had evolved with games such as “The Haunt”, “Woods”, “Carnival”, “Prison” and coming soon “The Arrival” plus many more. The game was credited so well with its success mainly with the help from the players and viewers of the game. But with story comes origin, in reality, Slender is a manifestation of fear. Debate on his existence continue to flow, but with all the accounts and research conducted, Slender appears to be simply the manifestation of common fears such as Slackers, the fear of being over powered in general size, child abuse and molestations, the fear of pedophiles and rapists. All common fear wrapped into one disfigured monster, created by society and evidently used in society. And it is obvious that the ARG and Tulpa Effect does work on the community. (http://www.argn.com/) (Sean Stewart, CNET, 2005)

              In 2009 (before the development & release of the Slender game) a viral video entry begun to arouse with interest on YouTube. Its channel author simply read Marble Hornets, and the video submission simply titled Entry #1. Posted in June 20, 2009, the video has become a viral and media debate.
66 video entries relating to this video would late begin popping up across the length of time. This Entry # 1 depicted a young man who filmed a strange figure with long arms and tentacles outside his porch. The video entry is 48 seconds long in an amateur-like video photography style filming. According to (wikia.com) Slender Man, This Marble Hornet entry video is the origins to the now infamous Slender games that are seen today. Now looking into this, Marble Hornets was an amateur film project by a young college film student by the name of "Alex". The film was to be based on his child hood origins and life. According to “Jay”, (friend and fellow film student of Alex), Alex mysteriously and unexpectedly dropped the pet project after 2 months of filming. Alex then became distant and ill-like. He evidently gave the stock footage to his friend Jay and completely disappeared from the community. Jay later would watch the video footage and conduct a search on the whereabouts of his friend Alex; which would later become “Entry #1”. Jay posted the videos as in a way it appeared to be a mini documentary, categorizing the entries one by one.
Jay continued filming on his own terms documenting his search for his friend, recently adding to the entry number 66 where in Jay and another of Alex’s close associate returns to a known filming ground of Alex.
The video entries as mentioned are still up for debates until now, yet audiences continue to vast in the idea of a fearful creature stalking in the shadows. ARG and Tulpo Effect obviously were applied if this maybe a hoax, this would suggest that they had made distinct research on the depts of fear and the affect on society.  (http://marblehornets.wikidot.com/) (Jay, 2009)

                  From observations, the researcher found that from 2011 until this day the urban myth of Slender has evolved & grown beyond the realm of imagination. Today’s generation has taken up a key interest in Slender’s background. At this point it’s important to know to truth behind Slender man; whether he truly is a monster of reality, whether he is a manifestation of common fear or whether he is simply good media propaganda stirred up for entertainment.    
We now know for a fact that Marble Hornet is the key origin to the Slender myth. And this brings up the many possibilities coming from Mable Hornet. It may not be a coincidence that in 2009 Oren Peli’s “Paranormal Activity” was released in theaters. The film was portrayed at a documentary style work following ordinary individuals who are later threatened by a demonic entity; vaguely similar to the Marble Hornet entries posted that same year.

                The link between media and myth is always a topic at hand; with directors (amateur or professional) they know the system that goes into creating a possible block buster, and what more a possible hoax. In today’s society, with technological advancement, it’s difficult to determine which is fake and which is real. But either way to get to an individual is to have a story that gets them questioning. Making questions like, what if it were true? What if there is something out there unknown to us? Film makers like Oren Peli know very well that the ‘possibility’ factor is what makes a jump scare. Peil succeeded in Paranormal Activity because he knew the factors that most chilled us. The simplicity of the film work and editing gave the feeling of normal day to day accounts, plus with the unknown cast it granted even more points to the film. The same could be said for the Marble Hornet entries. With that said, the researcher proposes to look deeper in the science of this type of cinematography, to learn why such a simple amateur style film work results in such gripping intensity; is it just filming or a new genre or art form.

           Rather then going through the many styles of cinematography adaptations, this paper focuses on the main medium used to inspire and arouse the Slender man myth.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1.     In what way does a simply amateur style medium of video documentation/ filming affect in causing deeper fear in our society?

C. Significance of the Study

College Students and Film Students in Courses. This research paper would be able to help in providing future reference and further information to students taking up research writing and other courses regarding writing and communication. Not only that, but also to those involved in special videotography / cinematography, and filming. This paper shows special techniques and strategies of a director to create a some-what indie style documentary film.

Critics and Skeptics of Mythical Studies. There are many myths and hoaxes in our world, and when there are myths there are skeptics and critics. This paper would give them another over view on a new take of a presently known and popular monster figure. It is also safe to say in the filming enterprise, critics are no stranger. 

Film Makers. Knowledge of this special category of media study can provide vital techniques into creating a fine documentary-like film. It can provide the ideal atmosphere needed for successfully & possibly creating a well made hoax or indie-horror film.

Future Researchers. This study is crucial for future researchers to make similar studies in effort to improve or learn more involving the science of myths and the science behind a well made video/ film. It’s no secret that the Philippines has a growing community of film makers as is the world from Asia to the West.

D. Scopes and Limitations

            This study will focus on the effects of amateur style medium of video documentation/ filming on society and its fear impact to society. Thus, reviving the notion of Slender mans’ existence.

            Due to time constraints, this study will primarily focus on the discussion of the effective workings of the documentation style cinematography and its relations with Slender thus its relations to society. Other forms of film making will not be highly discussed in this paper. This study will provide a key-to-key link to one another from the origins of Marble Hornet spanning down to the myth of Slender and finally ending the point to the video Entries. We’ll also look into the insights of fear from video and how this affects our perception on myth and reality. It’ll show how influence & imagination can alter our moral society.

E. Materials and Methods

             This paper employs a descriptive method since we are dealing with the aim to describe and discuss the process of documentary style cinematography and its effects to society and mythology. “This method is defined as a process of gathering, analyzing, classifying & tabulating about prevailing conditions, trends, processes…and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data…”  (Calderon & Sanchez, 1995) (The Fundamental considerations on the design of the film adaptation, Joselito Bonila, 2006).

              Information regarding the study was accumulated from various references and sources such as video documentations, journal entries and articles, web blogs and game description.

F. Definition of Terms

Slender – (in this case) a tall man in a black or grey suit, red or black tie, and white shirt, with no eyes, mouth, or clearly defined facial features; monstrous like figure with tentacles that stalk little children.
     General meaning of ‘slender’: Gracefully thin.

Documentary Film - a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event.

Myth - A traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon

Media - The main means of mass communication regarded collectively.

Society - The community of people living in a particular region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.

ARG – (Alternate Reality Games) are interactive storytelling devices that make use of real-world interaction devices and media to add realism in order to help tell a story, which may be altered by 'participant' action.

Fear - An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Stalkers - A person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.

Tulpa Effect - is a thoughtform, or being created from the collective thoughts of separate individuals. Tulpas are theoretical in nature, although some semi-scientific research and studies were conducted in the area between 1960-1980. The Tulpa Effect is the name given to the unintentional creation of a tulpa based on collective belief of a being with similar traits.

Quantum Theory – is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. (Dr. Max Planck, 1900 – Quantum Theory)

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