Wednesday, January 23, 2013

HW#3: Ever felt like you're being watched?

I'm sure most of us have had that over-the-top aquintance, fan, or friend who just knows you abit-to much to the point it's creepy. Personally, I've had a few over the years and have slightly become one during my early teens. I'm an artist who's been posting online for more then 6 years so I've had those fans who were abit pushy with questions and personal details, but regardless, it's not an offense in their stands. Most times their just misunderstood or miseducated.
Does it mean their a stalker? Not necessarily.

Don't get me wrong, Stalkers are out there, and they can be any one (especially in the world wide web).
I've had friends (famous online artists) who've had problems with stalkers. There is a saying, with fame comes a prices. Which begs the question, why are there stalkers? Besides trying to get close to the particular individual, What do they get out of stalking?

According the the National Center for Victims of Crime and the Bureau of Justice 

  • During a 12-month period an estimated 14 in every 1,000 persons age 18 or older were victims of stalking
  • About half (46%) of stalking victims experienced at least one unwanted contact per week, and 11% of victims said they had been stalked for 5 years or more.
  • The risk of stalking victimization was highest for individuals who were divorced or separated - 34 per 1,000 individuals.
  • Women were at greater risk than men for stalking victimization; however, women and men were equally likely to experience harassment.
  • Male (37%) and female (41%) stalking victimizations were equally likely to be reported to the police.
  • Approximately 1 in 4 stalking victims reported some form of cyberstalking such as e-mail (83%) or instant messaging (35%).
  • 46% of stalking victims felt fear of not knowing what would happen next.
  • Nearly 3 in 4 stalking victims knew their offender in some capacity.
  • More than half of stalking victims lost 5 or more days from work.

  • Children are more prawn to stalkers since they are the most vulnerable to attacks. This is commonly backed up by the media such is an example of "Law and Order: SVU" in which most molestaion, rape and kidnapped victims are under 19 and younger.

    Now returning to my earlier question, Why!? why stalk your prey? Scientifically, stalkers are not emotionally and mentally stable. Most cases commonly educed by histeria or mental disorders such as "Schizophrenia", or at most cases obsession. There is a saying, to much of any thing is bad.
    The general definition for Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.

    Most games t.v show & media films today feature stalker-like characters or scenarios. Recently, thanks such, this came to reality with the case of the Batman theater shooting in Aurora of 2012. Where in the shooter stalked the theater, learing ever bit around it then in the night of July 20th went in with an arsenal of weapons and shot 20 dead.

    Now this begs a new question, can stalking be cleanced?
    I believe it could be possible with so rehabilitation and some medication perhaps. In the past, celebrities look to the legal might of the law to heed their harassers, and mostly it does prove worthy of working, but that goes for the rich and famous, what is there for the middle class and poor. Stalkers exist to prey on what they perseve as the week and vulnerable.

    In any case, the best way is to be prepared and keep calm. If you believe in God, look to the heavens, if not, look to your self and be strong against your enemy. Not all cases of stalking is with out reason, there is always a reason. And most time, if you can figure out that reason, you maybe able to avoid horor.

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